Pray America

I'm sure that you are aware of all that has and continues to unfold around the world. It seems that 911, the attacks upon the United States, the Iraq war and everything that has followed has sent the world into some very trying and intense times.

Failing banks, mortgage problems, food shortages, high gasoline prices, stock market problems, wars, rumors of wars, terrorism, and the list is simply endless regarding the turmoil, problems and all that continues to unfold. Not to mention mother nature, floods, severe weather conditions, plagues, disease, earthquakes, and again the list is endless. Sure we have encountered these things before. However even these things seem to be multiplying and becoming more frequent.

Now the United States is almost on the brink of a major depression that would make the last great depression look like a small appetizer whereas the government has to bail the financial market out.

This will not come without great costs. Not to mention others world events that will unfold during these times which will only make things worse. You see, the prophetic time clock is ticking.

Pray America. Pray.