From The North, South, East And The West

This map shows just a few of the visitors from around the world that visit our prayer ministry site. Thank you to all who have visited the many ministry sites within our network.
In His Glorious Name Ministries Online

Prayer For The Middle East

Pray for wisdom, that God's wisdom would be revealed, that God's plans and purposes would come forth and that the true Kingdom of God would invade the region.

The Nations Of The World

As watchmen, as intercessors, as prayer warriors, as the called of the Lord. We are called to pray for the nations and peoples of the world. Therefore, stand the gap, lift up a banner and pray for those around the world. We are the body of Christ, called with a holy calling, and the power of the praying bride of Christ can and does make a difference.

Pick a nation and pray for that nation.

Prayers From The Nations

This map shows just a few of the visitors from around the world that visit our prayer ministry site. Thank you to all who have visited the many ministry sites within our network.
In His Glorious Name Ministries Online

Our World

Pray for our world, for humanity, for all nations and peoples. Our world is daily becoming more complex, encountering more problems, entering into dangerous times. Pray that God would intervene.

Prayer For Finances

Have you prayed about that new house lately, that new car, maybe a higher paying job, your business, or maybe some other personal needs?

Try praying for others around the world, other peoples and nations in need, and you just might find God also answering your prayer needs.