Ephesians 4:23 And be renewed in the spirit of your mind. Each one of you are a spirit being, living in a body, but the spirit part of you will never die. Your mind is also controlled by a spirit, which is not demonic in origin. Sometimes this is the controlling factor of the carnal nature. This part of you must be renewed, as well as your mind. God renewed your spirit when you received Jesus as your personal Savior, and now wants to renew your mind. This takes place in direct proportion to the amount of time you spend in the Word and in prayer. A teacher once told me she was being tempted in her thoughts. I suggested that every time she was tempted, let that be a reminder to pray for someone, and could select me if she wanted to. She would find that after a while the temptations would stop, because the satanic forces did not want her to pray. A month later she told me that the idea worked.